Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2018

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] EINLADUNG / INVITATION - Informatisches Kolloquium 09.07.2018, 17:15, B201, Informatikum/Stellingen

Dies ist eine Einladung zum Informatischen Kolloquium am Montag, den 09. Juli 2018 um 17:15 auf dem Universitätsgelände "Informatikum/Stellingen", im Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal B-201. Der Vortrag mit dem Titel "Imitation learning, zero-shot learning, and automated fact checking" wird von Herrn Prof. Dr. Andreas Vlachos von der University of Sheffield/UK gehalten (Vortragssprache: Englisch).


This is an invitation to the next informatics colloquium on Monday, 9 July 2018, at 17:15, on university campus Stellingen, lecture hall B-201. The talk is entitled "Imitation learning, zero-shot learning and automated fact checking" and will be given in English by Prof. Dr. Andreas Vlachos from The University of Sheffield/UK.


Nähere Informationen zu allen in diesem Semester geplanten Vorträgen finden Sie unter:

Please use the following link for more information on all talks planned in this semester:


Im Namen des Kolloquium-Komitees

On behalf of the colloquium committee

Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Universität Hamburg




In this talk I will give an overview of my research in machine learning for natural language processing. I will begin by introducing my work on imitation learning, a machine learning paradigm I have used to develop novel algorithms for structure prediction that have been applied successfully to a number of tasks such as semantic parsing, natural language generation and information extraction. Key advantages are the ability to handle large output search spaces and to learn with non-decomposable loss functions. Following this, I will discuss my work on zero-shot learning using neural networks, which enabled us to learn models that can predict labels for which no data was observed during training. I will conclude with my work on automated fact-checking, a challenge we proposed in order to stimulate progress in machine learning, natural language processing and, more broadly, artificial intelligence.



Dr. Andreas Vlachos is a lecturer at the University of Sheffield, working on the intersection of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.  Current projects include natural language generation, automated fact-checking and imitation learning. He has also worked on semantic parsing, language modelling, information extraction, active learning, clustering and biomedical text mining. Previously he was a postdoc at the Machine Reading group at UCL working with Sebastian Riedel and the BBC R&D team. Before that I was a member of the NLIP group at the University of Cambridge working with Stephen Clark and a postdoc at the University of Wisconsin-Madison working with Mark Craven.



Prof. Dr. Chris Biemann