Dear All,
May we kindly remind you of the „UHH Informatik Kolloquium" today,
28.11.2016 at 17:15 in room D-125. Please see also the initial invitation below.
Best regards
On behalf of the colloquium committee
Stephanie Schulte Hemming
Von: Fbi-alle <> on behalf of Stephanie Schulte Hemming <>
Datum: Mittwoch, 16. November 2016 08:55
An: "" <>
Betreff: [Fbi-alle] [Kolloquium] Invitation to the "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" Mo 28.11.2016, 17:15, D-125, Gerard de Melo - Rutgers The State University of New Jersey/USA
Datum: Mittwoch, 16. November 2016 08:55
An: "" <>
Betreff: [Fbi-alle] [Kolloquium] Invitation to the "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" Mo 28.11.2016, 17:15, D-125, Gerard de Melo - Rutgers The State University of New Jersey/USA
This is an invitation to the next "UHH Informatik Kolloquium³
Dr. Gerard de Melo
Assistant Professor at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey/USA
Department of Computer Science
Monday, 28.11.2016, 17:15
Informatikum, Room D-125
TOPIC: Making Semantic Technology Intelligent
This talk will be held in English
Semantic technology, once a niche academic endeavour, has evolved to the point of becoming an important asset for big organizations and enterprises. Yet, it remains unclear how to relate existing knowledge graphs to the vast amounts of text and structured data available online. In this talk, I will argue that this challenge calls for a move towards more cognitive approaches, including 1) better knowledge integration methods, 2) an increased reliance on linguistic knowledge, and 3) neural modeling. The talk will showcase several of our contributions towards this goal. These include our work on large multilingual knowledge graphs such as the Universal Wordnet, on integrated semantic resources such as FrameBase, and on large-scale common-sense resources such as WebChild.
Gerard de Melo is joining Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He previously served as an Assistant Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, heading the Web Mining and Language Technology group. Over the years, he has published over 70 research papers, with Best Paper awards at CIKM 2010, ICGL 2008, and the NAACL 2015 Workshop on Vector Space Modeling, as well as an ACL 2014 Best Paper Honorable Mention, a Best Student Paper Award nomination at ESWC 2015, and the WWW 2011 Best Demonstration Award, among others. Prior to joining Tsinghua, de Melo had spent two years as a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, working in the ICSI AI group. He received his doctoral degree at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics. For more information, please refer to his home page at
Prof. Chris Biemann
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