Dienstag, 25. November 2014

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] Invitation to the UHH Informatik Kolloquium - Mo 8.12.14, 17:15, D-125 - Prof. Ramin Yahyapour

This is an invitation to the next "UHH Informatik Kolloquium".

Prof. Dr. Ing. Ramin Yahyapour
Universität Göttingen
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung

MONDAY, 08.12.2014, 17:15

Informatikum, Room D-125

TOPIC: eResearch ­ Management of Research Data

This talk will be held in English or German, according to preference

Intelligent management of data is a current topic in many areas. This
especially applies to sciences which increasingly evolved from
experimental and simulation-based to data-driven research. This is not
only true for the natural sciences but also for life sciences, social
sciences and humanities. A common question is the efficient management of
large-volume of data as well as the analytics associated with it. ³Cloud
Computing² and ³Big Data Analytics² are current topics in computer science
to facilitate this kind of research. This includes the support of the
typical lifecycle ranging from capturing data to analytics, archiving and
re-use. The talk shows examples from the Goettingen Research Campus how
different disciplines are supported in this endeavor and how research data
management is established as a strategic institutional objective as part
of the campus research infrastructure.

Ramin Yahyapour is full professor at the Georg-August University of
Göttingen since 2011. He is managing director of the GWDG, a joint compute
and IT competence center of the university and the Max Planck Society. The
GWDG has over 110 staff members and serves as a research and service
center. Prof. Yahyapour is also CIO of the University and the University
Medical Center Göttingen (UMG). Before his appointment in Göttingen, he
was Professor at TU Dortmund University, director of the IT & Media Center
and CIO of the University.

Dr. Yahyapour holds a doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering and his
research interest lies in the area of efficient resource management in its
application to service-oriented infrastructures, clouds, and data
management. He is especially interested in data and computing services for
eScience. He gives lectures on parallel processing systems, service
computing, distributed systems, cloud computing, Grid technologies. He was
and is active in several national and international research projects.
Since 2012 he is member of the IT commission of the German science
foundation (DFG) and speaker of the network commission. He is member of
the BAR of the Max Planck Society.

Prof. H.-Siegfried Stiehl - BV/HCC
Computer Science, University of Hamburg
Phone: +49-(0)40-42883-2453

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