This is another invitation to a "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" next week.
Dr.-Ing. Kirsten Bergmann - Bielefeld University
CITEC - Cognitive Interaction Technology
(This talk will be held in English)
Monday, 20.01.2014 - 17:15
Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal, Informatikum, Haus B (B-201)
Co-speech, iconic gestures in real and virtual humans
The use of co-speech gestures is a ubiquitous characteristic of human-human
communication. Building computational simulation models of this natural,
communicative behavior and employing them in virtual humans (a) allows to
unravel the underlying cognitive mechanisms in humans, (b) helps to improve
human computer interaction towards being intuitive and natural, and (3)
helps to develop applications that support humans, e.g., in learning.
In this talk, I will first present work that connects empirical analyses
based on a multimodal data corpus with data-based and cognitive
computational modeling. I will demonstrate that endowing virtual humans
with adequate gestural behavior helps to make them appear warmer and more
competent. And I will show that, in vocabulary learning, iconic gestures
performed by a virtual human and imitated by human learners help to
increase the participants¹ memory scores.
Short CV:
Dr.-Ing. Kirsten Bergmann is a postdoctoral researcher in the research
group ³Sociable Agents² at Bielefeld University. She is involved in the
CRC 673 "Alignment in Communication" (subproject B1 on "Speech-gesture
alignment") and coordinates the CLARIN-D discipline-specific working group
on ³Speech and other modalities². She holds both a diploma degree in
Computer Science in 2006 and a Ph.D. degree in 2011 from Bielefeld
University. Her research interests include multimodal human communication,
data-based and cognitive modeling of human communication skills, and the
application of such models in virtual humans to support humans in learning
etc. Kirsten Bergmann received best paper awards for her work at AAMAS
2009 and IVA 2013, as well as an award for her dissertation.
Prof. Dr. Christopher Habel
Department Informatik
Arbeitsbereich WSV
University of Hamburg
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
22527 Hamburg
Tel. 040-42883-2417
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