Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] am 7.6.10 - JProf. Dr. Pia Knoeferle

Einladung zum

Informatischen Kolloquium Hamburg

Montag, 7. Juni 2010
um 17 Uhr c.t.
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
Gebäude B

J.Prof. Dr. Pia Knoeferle
CITEC (Cognitive Interaction Technology, Center of Excellence)
Universität Bielefeld

*Visual context influences on online language comprehension: individual and time course differences*

Existing studies have shown that visual context information can rapidly influence sentence comprehension in real time. And yet, many aspects relating to the time course of its influence on comprehension are little studied. Results from a first event-related brain potential (ERPs) experiment contribute towards re-establishing picture-sentence verification - discredited possibly for its over-reliance on post- sentence response time (RT) measures - as a task for situated comprehension. Employing this paradigm, I will then report ERP results that suggest there is no one-size-fits-all of visual context effects. Rather, the time course of visual context effects differs as a function of participants' working memory resources and as a function of which aspects of a scene mismatch sentence input.

Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Christopher Habel, Tel. 42883-2417


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