Freitag, 20. November 2009

[HIForum] Informatisches Kolloquium am 14.11.

Informatisches Colloquium Hamburg

Testing and auditing of communication in fixed and mobile environments

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ina Schieferdecker
Technical University Berlin/
Fraunhofer FOKUS

Montag, 14. November 2005

um 18 Uhr s.t.
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
Gebäude B

With the further deployment of IT systems within industry, society and
entertainment, the need for monitoring, test and control units for business-
and safety-critical systems increases. While monitoring systems concentrate
on the collection and presentation of observations, testing and auditing
systems analyse, interpret, and evaluate system correctness and performance
and inform about system degradation and malfunctioning in development phase
and during operation&maintenance, respectively. This is the basis for
corrective means in the system.

This talk presents basic testing and auditing concepts, an architecture and
technology for testing and auditing and its application for selected systems
such as IPv6, SIP and IMS.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ina Schieferdecker is heading the Competence Center for
Modelling and Testing at the Fraunhofer Institute on Open Communication
Systems (FOKUS), Berlin. She is a Professor on Engineering and Testing of
Telecommunication Systems at Technical University Berlin since 2003. Since
1994, Mrs. Schieferdecker works in the area of design, analysis, testing and
evaluation of communication systems using specification-based techniques like
UML (Unified Modelling Language), MSC (Message Sequence Charts) and
TTCN-3 (Testing and Test Control Notation). Mrs. Schieferdecker authored many
scientific publications in the area of development and testing. She is an
active member in the standardization of TTCN-3 by ETSI and of the UML 2.0
Testing Profile by OMG. Among others, she is a member of the German Testing
Board and co-founder of the Testing Technologies IST GmbH, Berlin. In 2004
she received the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach Award for Young

Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass der Vortrag um 18 Uhr s.t. beginnt und auf
Deutsch gehalten wird.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Wolfinger
Telefon +49 40 42883 2424

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