Freitag, 30. November 2018

[HIForum] Computer-Museum im Advent

Liebe HIForum-Mitglieder,

es gibt eine tolle Chance, in Ruhe das Museum zu besuchen, hier ist die Einladung an den Fachbereich, die ich gerne an unsere Vereinsmitglieder weitergeben möchte:

ich habe eine Lücke im Kolloquiumsplan entdeckt und möchte sie mit einem Angebot schließen:

Advent im Computer-Museum
Montag, 3. Dezember
14:00 - 18:30 Uhr Open Museum mit Heißgetränken (Glühwein, …) in Haus C, Keller C-015
16:00 - 17:30 Uhr Führung (max. 12 Personen, Anmeldung per E-Mail an, 
Treffpunkt Eingang Haus B (Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal)

Dies ist für 2018 die letzte allgemeine Chance, das hoch interessante Computer-Museum mit seinen Hunderten von Exponaten live kennen zu lernen.
Interessenten für eine Führung zu einer anderen Zeit sollten eine Gruppe sammeln und mich kontaktieren.

Mit besten Grüßen
Horst Oberquelle

Prof. Dr. Horst Oberquelle, Univ.-Prof. i.R.
Fachbereich Informatik
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion / Computer-Museum
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30, 22528 Hamburg

Viele Grüße
Angela Schwabl

Dienstag, 27. November 2018

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] EINLADUNG / INVITATION - Informatisches Kolloquium 10.12.2018, 17:15, B201, Informatikum/Stellingen

Dies ist eine Einladung zum Informatischen Kolloquium am Montag, den 10.12.2018 um 17:15 auf dem Universitätsgelände "Informatikum/Stellingen", im Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal B-201. Der Vortrag mit dem Titel "Exploring Server-side Blocking of Regionswird von Frau Sadia Afroz, PhD, tätig an der Universität UC Berkeley (USA) und am International Computer Science Institute (ICSI, USA), gehalten. Die Vortragssprache ist Englisch.


This is an invitation to the next informatics colloquium on Monday, 10 December 2018, at 17:15, on university campus Stellingen, lecture hall B-201. The talk is entitled "Exploring Server-side Blocking of Regionsand will be given in English by Mrs. Sadia Afroz, PhD, from the university UC Berkeley (USA) and the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI, USA).


Nähere Informationen zu allen in diesem Semester geplanten Vorträgen finden Sie unter:

Please use the following link for more information on all talks planned in this semester:


Im Namen des Kolloquiumkomitees

On behalf of the colloquium committee

Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Universität Hamburg




One of the Internet's greatest strengths is the degree to which it facilitates access to any of its resources from users anywhere in the world. The Internet has already become a crucial part of our life. People around the world use the internet to communicate, connect, and do business. Yet various commercial, technical, and national interests constrain universal access to information on the internet.


I will discuss three reasons for the closed web that are not caused by government censorship: blocking visitors from the EU to avoid GDPR compliance, blocking based upon the visitor's country, and blocking due to security concerns. These decisions can have an adverse effect on the people of the blocked regions, especially for the developing regions. With many key services, such as education, commerce, and news, offered by a small number of web-based Western companies who might not view the developing world as worth the risk, these indiscriminate blanket blocking could slow the growth of blocked developing regions.


As we are building the future web, we need to discuss the implication of such blocking practices and build technologies that ensure an open web for users around the world.



Sadia Afroz is a research scientist at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) and a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley. Her work focuses on anti-censorship, anonymity and adversarial learning. Her work on adversarial authorship attribution received the 2013 Privacy Enhancing Technology (PET) award, the best student paper award at the 2012 Privacy Enhancing Technology Symposium (PETS) and the 2014 ACM SIGSAC dissertation award (runner-up).  



Prof. Dr. Hannes Federrath



Montag, 26. November 2018

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] ERINNERUNG / REMINDER - Informatisches Kolloquium 26.11.2018, 17:15, B201, Informatikum/Stellingen

May we kindly remind you of the today's talk at 17:15 in room B-201. 
Wir möchten an den heutigen Vortrag um 17:15 in Raum B-201 erinnern. 
The colloquium committee is looking forward to sharing this talk with you.
Das Kolloquiumkomitee würde sich freuen, Sie begrüßen zu dürfen.
Best regards/ MfG
On behalf of the colloquium committee/ i.A. des Kolloquiumkomitees
Stephanie Schulte Hemming
Universität Hamburg

Von: Fbi-alle []" im Auftrag von "Schulte Hemming, Stephanie []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. November 2018 11:18
Betreff: [Fbi-alle] [Kolloquium] EINLADUNG / INVITATION - Informatisches Kolloquium 26.11.2018, 17:15, B201, Informatikum/Stellingen

Dies ist eine Einladung zum Informatischen Kolloquium am Montag, den 26.11.2018 um 17:15 auf dem Universitätsgelände "Informatikum/Stellingen", im Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal B-201. Der Vortrag mit dem Titel "Microarchitectural Attacks on modern CPUswird von Herrn Prof. Thomas Eisenbarth von der Universität Lübeck gehalten (Vortragssprache: Englisch/Deutsch).


This is an invitation to the next informatics colloquium on Monday, 26 November 2018, at 17:15, on university campus Stellingen, lecture hall B-201. The talk is entitled "Microarchitectural Attacks on modern CPUsand will be given in English or German (according to preference) by Prof. Dr. Thomas Eisenbarth from the University Lübeck, Germany.


Nähere Informationen zu allen in diesem Semester geplanten Vorträgen finden Sie unter:

Please use the following link for more information on all talks planned in this semester:


Im Namen des Kolloquium-Komitees

On behalf of the colloquium committee

Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Universität Hamburg




From cloud servers to IoT devices, modern CPUs provide a complex microarchitecture to ensure high performance while easing parallelization. Unrelated services often run in parallel on the same platform and share resources. At the logic level, sandboxing ensures isolation between services. However, isolation is not perfect, and side channels caused by the CPU's shared microarchitecture can result in unintended information leakage across processes and virtual machines. For instance, cache attacks that exploit access time variations when retrieving data from the cache or the memory are a powerful tool to extract information from a co-located process. - This talk provides an overview of how microarchitectural features of modern CPUs such as shared caches and speculative execution can be abused to circumvent isolation techniques. It will be shown how the resulting attacks can be applied to extract sensitive information from privileged processes and even across processor boundaries. Modern attack techniques such as cache attacks as well as the infamous Spectre and Meltdown attacks will be presented and discussed.



Thomas Eisenbarth ist Professor für IT Sicherheit an der Universität zu Lübeck. Er studierte bis 2006 Elektro- und Informationstechnik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, wo er bis 2009 am Horst Görtz Institut für IT-Sicherheit promovierte. Ab 2010 forschte er als Assistant Professor am Center for Cryptography and Information Security (CCIS) an der Florida Atlantic University. 2012 wechselte er an das Vernam Lab for Security and Privacy am Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Seit August 2017 ist er als Direktor des Instituts für IT Sicherheit an der Universität zu Lübeck. - Seine Forschungsinteressen umfassen Systemsicherheit und sichere Mikroarchitekturen, angewandte Kryptografie, sowie Seitenkanalangriffe und Gegenmaßnahmen.


Thomas Eisenbarth is a Professor at the Institute for IT Security at University of Lübeck. Thomas received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, where he worked as a member of the Horst Goertz Institute for IT Security. He spent two years at the Center for Cryptology and Information Security (CCIS) at Florida Atlantic University. In 2012 he joined the ECE Department and Vernam Lab for Security and Privacy at WPI. Since 2017 he serves as Director Institute for IT Security at University of Lübeck. - His research interests include system security, applied cryptography, side channel attacks and countermeasures. 



Prof. Dr. Hannes Federrath

Prof. Dr. Mathias Fischer



Mittwoch, 21. November 2018

Dienstag, 20. November 2018

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] EINLADUNG / INVITATION - Informatisches Kolloquium 26.11.2018, 17:15, B201, Informatikum/Stellingen

Dies ist eine Einladung zum Informatischen Kolloquium am Montag, den 26.11.2018 um 17:15 auf dem Universitätsgelände "Informatikum/Stellingen", im Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal B-201. Der Vortrag mit dem Titel "Microarchitectural Attacks on modern CPUswird von Herrn Prof. Thomas Eisenbarth von der Universität Lübeck gehalten (Vortragssprache: Englisch/Deutsch).


This is an invitation to the next informatics colloquium on Monday, 26 November 2018, at 17:15, on university campus Stellingen, lecture hall B-201. The talk is entitled "Microarchitectural Attacks on modern CPUsand will be given in English or German (according to preference) by Prof. Dr. Thomas Eisenbarth from the University Lübeck, Germany.


Nähere Informationen zu allen in diesem Semester geplanten Vorträgen finden Sie unter:

Please use the following link for more information on all talks planned in this semester:


Im Namen des Kolloquium-Komitees

On behalf of the colloquium committee

Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Universität Hamburg




From cloud servers to IoT devices, modern CPUs provide a complex microarchitecture to ensure high performance while easing parallelization. Unrelated services often run in parallel on the same platform and share resources. At the logic level, sandboxing ensures isolation between services. However, isolation is not perfect, and side channels caused by the CPU's shared microarchitecture can result in unintended information leakage across processes and virtual machines. For instance, cache attacks that exploit access time variations when retrieving data from the cache or the memory are a powerful tool to extract information from a co-located process. - This talk provides an overview of how microarchitectural features of modern CPUs such as shared caches and speculative execution can be abused to circumvent isolation techniques. It will be shown how the resulting attacks can be applied to extract sensitive information from privileged processes and even across processor boundaries. Modern attack techniques such as cache attacks as well as the infamous Spectre and Meltdown attacks will be presented and discussed.



Thomas Eisenbarth ist Professor für IT Sicherheit an der Universität zu Lübeck. Er studierte bis 2006 Elektro- und Informationstechnik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, wo er bis 2009 am Horst Görtz Institut für IT-Sicherheit promovierte. Ab 2010 forschte er als Assistant Professor am Center for Cryptography and Information Security (CCIS) an der Florida Atlantic University. 2012 wechselte er an das Vernam Lab for Security and Privacy am Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Seit August 2017 ist er als Direktor des Instituts für IT Sicherheit an der Universität zu Lübeck. - Seine Forschungsinteressen umfassen Systemsicherheit und sichere Mikroarchitekturen, angewandte Kryptografie, sowie Seitenkanalangriffe und Gegenmaßnahmen.


Thomas Eisenbarth is a Professor at the Institute for IT Security at University of Lübeck. Thomas received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, where he worked as a member of the Horst Goertz Institute for IT Security. He spent two years at the Center for Cryptology and Information Security (CCIS) at Florida Atlantic University. In 2012 he joined the ECE Department and Vernam Lab for Security and Privacy at WPI. Since 2017 he serves as Director Institute for IT Security at University of Lübeck. - His research interests include system security, applied cryptography, side channel attacks and countermeasures. 



Prof. Dr. Hannes Federrath

Prof. Dr. Mathias Fischer



Montag, 19. November 2018

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] ERINNERUNG / REMINDER - Informatisches Kolloquium 19.11.2018, 17:15, B201, Informatikum/Stellingen

May we kindly remind you of the today's talk at 17:15 in room B-201. 

Wir möchten an den heutigen Vortrag um 17:15 in Raum B-201 erinnern. 


The colloquium committee is looking forward to sharing this talk with you.

Das Kolloquiumkomitee würde sich freuen, Sie begrüßen zu dürfen.


Best regards/ MfG

On behalf of the colloquium committee/ i.A. des Kolloquiumkomitees

Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Universität Hamburg



Von: Fbi-alle <> im Auftrag von "Schulte Hemming, Stephanie" <>
Datum: Dienstag, 13. November 2018 um 09:50
An: "" <>
Betreff: [Fbi-alle] [Kolloquium] EINLADUNG / INVITATION - Informatisches Kolloquium 19.11.2018, 17:15, B201, Informatikum/Stellingen


Dies ist eine Einladung zum Informatischen Kolloquium am Montag, den 19.11.2018 um 17:15 auf dem Universitätsgelände "Informatikum/Stellingen", im Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal B-201. Der Vortrag mit dem Titel "Distributed Ledger Technology, Blockchain & Crypto Currencies – Hype & an Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Researchwird von Herrn Prof. Dr. Edgar Weippl gehalten, tätig am SBA-Research und der TU Wien (Vortragssprache: Englisch/Deutsch).


This is an invitation to the next informatics colloquium on Monday, 19 November 2018, at 17:15, on university campus Stellingen, lecture hall B-201. The talk is entitled " Distributed Ledger Technology, Blockchain & Crypto Currencies – Hype & an Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Research " and will be given in English or German (according to preference) by Prof. Dr. Edgar Weippl from SBA-Research and the University of Vienna/Austria.


Nähere Informationen zu allen in diesem Semester geplanten Vorträgen finden Sie unter:

Please use the following link for more information on all talks planned in this semester:


Im Namen des Kolloquium-Komitees

On behalf of the colloquium committee

Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Universität Hamburg




With the increase of interconnectivity and ubiquitous data access, new services have emerged. Distributed Ledger Technologies and their underlying principles can be used to reach agreement or consensus upon a distributed state in a highly distributed environment. They have many different aspects and can therefore be viewed from various angles, including the financial and economic, legal, political, and sociological perspective, as well as considering technical and socio-technical points of view. In the presentation I will show three aspects that are important in our research: (1) theoretical foundations, (2) understanding real world phenomena, and (3) impact. For instance, proof-of-work (PoW) as used in Bitcoin is not only relevant to achieving consensus but also serves as a source of randomness. Without it leader selection becomes an issue. Finally, understanding economic incentives and malicious behavior to undermine consensus in public blockchains is important to create a stable cryptocurrency environment upon which new services can be built. 



Edgar R. Weippl is Research Director of SBA Research and Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Security and Quality Improvement in Production Systems at TU Wien. He also teaches and supports research at UAS St. Pölten. Edgar focuses on (1) fundamental and applied research on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies and (2) security of production systems engineering. He is on the editorial board of Elsevier's Computers & Security journal (COSE), was PC chair of ESORICS 2015, general chair of ACM CCS 2016 and PC Chair of SACMAT 2017. After graduating with a Ph.D. from the Vienna University of Technology, Edgar worked for two years in a research startup. He spent one year teaching as an assistant professor at Beloit College, WI. From 2002 to 2004, while with the software vendor ISIS Papyrus, he worked as a consultant for an HMO in New York, NY and Albany, NY, and for the financial industry in Frankfurt, Germany. In 2004 he joined the Vienna University of Technology and together with A Min Tjoa and Markus Klemen founded the research center SBA Research.




Prof. Dr. Mathias Fischer


Dienstag, 13. November 2018

[HIForum] Kick off: Public Lecture Series „Taming the Machines - Discussing the Ethics of Information Technologies" (14.11.2018, 18-20:00)

Liebe HIForum-Mitglieder,

wir möchten Sie zu dieser spannenden Ringvorlesung, die von Judith Simon, unserer Professorin für Ethik in der Informationstechnologie und ihrer Gruppe in diesem Semester angeboten wird, einladen!

Herzliche Grüße
Angela Schwabl

— English below —

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

diesen Mittwoch um 18:00 startet unsere öffentliche Ringvorlesung „Taming the Machines - Discussing the Ethics of Information Technologies", zu der wir Sie alle ganz herzlich einladen möchten! Wir haben großartige Rednerinnen und Redner gewinnen können: Den ersten Vortrag wird diesen Mittwoch Professor Payal Arora von der Erasmus Universität Rotterdam/Catalyst Lab halten zum Thema: "Regulated Data - Regulated Activism? Digital Activism in the GDPR Era." Weitere Information zur Vortragenden und zum Vortrag finden Sie unten sowie hier: 

Bereits nächste Woche findet der nächste Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Katharina Anna Zweig von der TU Kaiserslautern zum Thema "Are Machines Better Judges?" statt. 

Sie finden das vollständige Programm für dieses Semester hier:

Alle Vorträge finden in Englisch statt.

Herzliche Grüße,
Judith Simon & das Team EIT


Dear Colleagues,

This Wednesday, we will kick off our public lecture series „Taming the Machines" - Discussing the Ethics of Information Technologies


Regulated Data - Regulated Activism? Digital Activism in the GDPR Era

Professor Payal Arora, Erasmus University Rotterdam/Catalyst Lab


When: 14th November 2018, 18:00-20:00

Where: lecture hall B, main building at Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, University of Hamburg


About the lecture

In a favela ruled by the drug lords in Rio de Janeiro, an activist uses Facebook Live to capture the dealings in his neighborhood, putting himself and some of his community members at risk. In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, a few teenage girls instagram the fashions of the week, unveiled, an act that can be persecuted by the morality police. In Jammu and Kashmir, some activists through the hashtag #justiceforkathua draw attention to the case of an eight-year old nomadic girl who was gang raped, defying the privacy law on revealing identities of minors. These are just some of the many cases that shed light on the gray area between privacy and protest. Contrary to seeking to be protected through anonymity as the bulk of the current research alludes to, some of those at the margins may choose to put themselves at high risk by being visible and heard. The GDPR, rooted in the Western ideology of individual choice and rights, may have created a privacy universalism, begging the question of whether privacy is a privilege and a luxury. This talk draws from a decade of fieldwork and activism among vulnerable communities beyond the West to grapple with the question of whether privacy and activism are after all compatible.


About the speaker

Payal Arora is the Founder of Catalyst Lab, a digital activism organization and an Associate Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She has consulted for the private and the public sector including for UNESCO, World Bank, hp, The Ministry of Jordan, Kellogg and Siemens. She has published about fifty papers and given more than a 125 presentations in 70 cities and 30 countries, including a TEDx talk on the future of the internet. Arora sits on multiple boards including the Facebook Election Advisory Commission, Columbia University's Connect to Learn, and The World Women Global Council in New York. She is the author of several books on the internet and the Global South including the upcoming 'The Next Billion Users: Digital Life beyond the West' with Harvard University Press.


Visit our website to find the complete programme of our „Taming the Machines" lecture series as well as site plans of the location.

Kind regards,

Judith Simon & the team EIT


Prof. Dr. Judith Simon
Professor for Ethics in Information Technology
Universität Hamburg | Department of Informatics
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30 | 22527 Hamburg | Germany 

phone: + 49 (0)40 42883 2020

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] EINLADUNG / INVITATION - Informatisches Kolloquium 19.11.2018, 17:15, B201, Informatikum/Stellingen

Dies ist eine Einladung zum Informatischen Kolloquium am Montag, den 19.11.2018 um 17:15 auf dem Universitätsgelände "Informatikum/Stellingen", im Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal B-201. Der Vortrag mit dem Titel "Distributed Ledger Technology, Blockchain & Crypto Currencies – Hype & an Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Researchwird von Herrn Prof. Dr. Edgar Weippl gehalten, tätig am SBA-Research und der TU Wien (Vortragssprache: Englisch/Deutsch).


This is an invitation to the next informatics colloquium on Monday, 19 November 2018, at 17:15, on university campus Stellingen, lecture hall B-201. The talk is entitled " Distributed Ledger Technology, Blockchain & Crypto Currencies – Hype & an Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Research " and will be given in English or German (according to preference) by Prof. Dr. Edgar Weippl from SBA-Research and the University of Vienna/Austria.


Nähere Informationen zu allen in diesem Semester geplanten Vorträgen finden Sie unter:

Please use the following link for more information on all talks planned in this semester:


Im Namen des Kolloquium-Komitees

On behalf of the colloquium committee

Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Universität Hamburg




With the increase of interconnectivity and ubiquitous data access, new services have emerged. Distributed Ledger Technologies and their underlying principles can be used to reach agreement or consensus upon a distributed state in a highly distributed environment. They have many different aspects and can therefore be viewed from various angles, including the financial and economic, legal, political, and sociological perspective, as well as considering technical and socio-technical points of view. In the presentation I will show three aspects that are important in our research: (1) theoretical foundations, (2) understanding real world phenomena, and (3) impact. For instance, proof-of-work (PoW) as used in Bitcoin is not only relevant to achieving consensus but also serves as a source of randomness. Without it leader selection becomes an issue. Finally, understanding economic incentives and malicious behavior to undermine consensus in public blockchains is important to create a stable cryptocurrency environment upon which new services can be built. 



Edgar R. Weippl is Research Director of SBA Research and Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Security and Quality Improvement in Production Systems at TU Wien. He also teaches and supports research at UAS St. Pölten. Edgar focuses on (1) fundamental and applied research on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies and (2) security of production systems engineering. He is on the editorial board of Elsevier's Computers & Security journal (COSE), was PC chair of ESORICS 2015, general chair of ACM CCS 2016 and PC Chair of SACMAT 2017. After graduating with a Ph.D. from the Vienna University of Technology, Edgar worked for two years in a research startup. He spent one year teaching as an assistant professor at Beloit College, WI. From 2002 to 2004, while with the software vendor ISIS Papyrus, he worked as a consultant for an HMO in New York, NY and Albany, NY, and for the financial industry in Frankfurt, Germany. In 2004 he joined the Vienna University of Technology and together with A Min Tjoa and Markus Klemen founded the research center SBA Research.




Prof. Dr. Mathias Fischer