Dienstag, 28. November 2017

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] INVITATION: Informatics Colloquium 11 December - 17:15, Campus Stellingen, Room D-125

This is an invitation to the next Informatics Colloquium on Monday, 11 December 2017, 17:15, Campus "Informatikum/Stellingen", Room D-125. The talk entitled "Cryptography for the Real Word: From Theory to Practice and Vice Versa" will be held by Dr. Anja Lehmann, IBM Research, Zurich.


This talk will be held in English. The colloquium committee is looking forward to seeing you all there and to sharing this talk with you. For details on the series of colloquiums planned, please visit https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/home/kolloquium/wise17-18.html


On behalf of the colloquium committee

Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Universität Hamburg



In this talk, I will present new research results for enhancing the security and privacy of real-world cryptographic schemes. The talk will revolve around two main examples: password-based authentication and pseudonymization as a technique to de-sensitize data. For both, I will discuss the inherent security limitations of the currently deployed solutions, and describe new approaches that provide significantly stronger security guarantees. In the case of passwords, the main weakness is their vulnerability to offline attacks that determine a user's password by brute-forcing all possibilities. I will show how the risk of such attacks can be mitigated without forcing users to choose complex and hard to memorize passwords. I will also discuss the challenges that arise when trying to bring new technologies from theory into practice, and sketch some research work that in turn got inspired by deployment challenges.


Anja Lehmann is a researcher in the Security & Privacy group at IBM Research - Zurich, where she works in the area of cryptography, information security and privacy. After her PhD in computer science from Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany, she joined IBM as a PostDoc in 2010 and became a permanent research staff member in 2012. Her work spans from basic research, developing new cryptographic protocols with provable security guarantees, to the real-world deployment of new crypto and privacy techniques. Anja was also working on the first pilots of privacy-enhancing credentials, such as IBM's Identity Mixer, in a number of European FP7 and H2020 projects. In January 2018, she is organizing the Real-World Crypto Symposium in Zurich.



Prof. Dr. Hannes Federrath, Universität Hamburg, FB Informatik



Dienstag, 7. November 2017

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] INVITATION: Informatics Colloquium 20 Nov 2017 17:15 B-201

This is an invitation to the next Informatics Colloquium on Monday, 20 November 2017, 17:15, Campus "Informatikum/Stellingen", Room B-201The talk entitled "Analyzing Human Behavior in Video Sequences" will be held by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gall, Professor at the University of Bonn, Institute of Computer Science III, Computer Vision Group.


This talk will be held in English. The colloquium committee is looking forward to seeing you all there and to sharing this talk with you. For details on the series of colloquiums planned, please visit https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/home/kolloquium/wise17-18.html


On behalf of the colloquium committee

Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Universität Hamburg




Analyzing the behavior of humans in continuous video recordings is still a very difficult task. In the fully supervised setting, temporal models like RNNs are trained on videos that are annotated at a frame-level. Acquiring such annotations, however, is very time consuming and strong temporal models require large amounts of annotated training data. Weaker forms of supervision like transcripts are therefore investigated to learn temporal models. In this talk, I will describe some of our recent works on weakly supervised learning of actions and I will give an overview of the research activities that are conducted within the DFG research unit "Anticipating Human Behavior" at the University of Bonn.



Prof. Dr. Juergen Gall is professor and head of the Computer Vision Group at the University of Bonn since June 2013. After his Ph.D. in computer science from the Saarland University and the Max Planck Institut für Informatik, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Computer Vision Laboratory, ETH Zurich, from 2009 until 2012 and senior research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen from 2012 until 2013. He received a grant for an independent Emmy Noether research group from the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2013, the German Pattern Recognition Award of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) in 2014, and an ERC Starting Grant in 2016. He is further spokesperson of the DFG funded research unit "Anticipating Human Behavior" at the University of Bonn since 2017.



Prof. Dr. Simone Frintrop, Universität Hamburg, FB Informatik






Montag, 6. November 2017

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] FW: [Fbi-alle] [CML] CML/Informatics Colloquium, November 6th, 2017, 5pm

Dear all,
May we kindly remind you of the today's talk with Prof. Frank Keller at 17:15 in room D-125 (Stellingen Campus). Please find the details below.
Best regards
Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Am [DATE] schrieb "Fbi-alle im Auftrag von Wolfgang Menzel" <[ADDRESS]>:

You are cordially invited to the joint CML/Informatics Colloquium
taking place in Room D-125 on the Stellingen Campus,
Vogt-Kölln-Strasse 30 on

                     November 6th, 2017, 5pm.

Frank Keller, Professor in the School of Informatics at the
University of Edinburgh, will give a talk on

              Jointly Representing Images and Text:
     Dependency Graphs, Word Senses, and Multimodal Embeddings


In this presentation, I will argue that we can make progress in
language/vision tasks if we represent images in structured ways,
rather than just labeling objects, actions, or attributes. In
particular, deploying structured representations from natural language
processing is fruitful: I will discuss how visual dependency
representations (VDRs), which borrow ideas for dependency parsing, can
be used to capture how the objects in an scene interact with each
other. VDRs are useful for tasks such as image retrieval or image
description. Secondly, I will argue that much more fine-grained
representations of actions are needed for most language/vision
tasks. Again, ideas from NLP are be leveraged: I will introduce
algorithms that use multimodal embeddings to perform verb sense
disambiguation in a visual context.


Frank Keller is professor of computational cognitive science in the
School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. His background
includes an undergraduate degree from Stuttgart University, a PhD from
Edinburgh, and postdoctoral and visiting positions at Saarland
University and MIT. His research focuses on how people solve complex
tasks such as understanding language or processing visual information.
His work combines experimental techniques with computational modeling
to investigate reading, sentence comprehension, and language
generation, both in isolation and in a visual context. Prof. Keller
serves on the management committee of the European Network on Vision
and Language, is a member of governing board of the European
Association for Computational Linguistics, and recently completed an
ERC grant in the area of vision and language.

Wolfgang Menzel                    Universitaet Hamburg
                                   Fakultaet fuer Mathematik,
                                   Informatik und Naturwissenschaften
                                   Fachbereich Informatik
                                   AB Natuerlichsprachliche Systeme
menzel@informatik.uni-hamburg.de   Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30
phone: (49-40) 428 83 - 24 35      D-22527 Hamburg

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