Montag, 8. Juni 2015

[HIForum] HIForum News 10/2015: Protokoll der Mitgliederversammlung +++ Museumsführung +++ HITeC

Liebe Mitglieder,

anbei übersenden wir Ihnen das Protokoll unserer diesjährigen Mitgliederversammlung. 

Bei dieser Gelegenheit möchten wir Sie an folgende Termine erinnern:

Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2015, 18:30 Uhr 

Führung durch das Informatik Museum
Mitbringen von weiteren Interessenten ist gern möglich.
Treffpunkt: 18.30 Uhr Eingang Haus B (Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal)

Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015, 18:00 Uhr

In der 2. Veranstaltung unserer Reihe "Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft" stellen wir Ihnen HITeC, das Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center e.V. vor. 
HITeC e.V. - Technologietransfer am Fachbereich Informatik - Neue Projekte und Start-ups
Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, Vogt-­Kölln-­Str. 30, Haus D, 22527 Hamburg 

Wir möchten Sie noch einmal bitten, sich für diese Veranstaltung
Alternativ können Sie sich auch über XING flexibel an- und bei Bedarf kurzfristig wieder abmelden:
Ihre Anmeldung ist wichtig, da wir für Mitglieder des HIForum reservierte Plätze sonst anderen Interessenten freigeben werden.

Mit besten Grüßen
Michael Schudy, Angela Schwabl, Dirk Martinssen

Michael Schudy
Mobil: +49 176 64690362 /
HIForum - Hamburger Informatik-Forum e.V.
Vorstand: Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schudy (Vorsitzender), 
Dipl.-Inform. Angela Schwabl-Möhlmann,
Dipl.-Inform. Dirk Martinssen
Vereinsregister Hamburg VR 16010
c/o Fachbereich Informatik der Universität Hamburg
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
22527 Hamburg

Montag, 1. Juni 2015

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] REMINDER - Dr. Tesfaye Biru - Today's Talk - 01.06.2015, 17:15 Uhr, D-125

Dear All,

May we kindly remind you of the today's UHH Informatics Colloquium with
Dr. Tesfaye Biru at 17:15 in room D-125.

Best regards
S. Schulte Hemming


This is an invitation to the next "UHH Informatik Kolloquium"


Dr. Tesfaye Biru from Ethiopia


Monday, 01.06.2015, 17:15


Informatikum, D-125



Software Engineering as we practice it: a collaborative and reflective
learning process perspective


This talk will be held in English


This talk is based on the research work done to address the software
development challenges in developing economies by means of context
sensitive methodical approaches. Experience in this connection will be
shared by highlighting: distinctive features of the software development
projects, peculiar challenges faced by system development practitioners,
typical causes of project failures, home-grown practices derived from
complementary aspects of contemporary methods and processes. The talk will
also portray a development approach that evolved from the work ­ along
with experiences from attempts made to apply same in real-life projects.
An attempt will be made to demonstrate: how the act of trying to solve a
problem by introducing technology actually changes the nature of the
problem and the behaviors as well as aspirations of the people using them;
how novel scenarios emerge to system developers with respect to
participatory and reflective approaches as the user communities build
their confidence with the technology and its use; how context shapes and
be shaped by the system implementation process as new (and particularly,
unfamiliar with the technology) users take up the use of evolving
technology and new applications.


Dr. Tesfaye Biru obtained his Ph.D. in Software Engineering from the
Department of Informatik, University of Hamburg in 2008; MSc in
Information Science from the Department of Information Studies, University
of Sheffield, UK, in 1986, BSc in Mathematics from the Department of
Mathematics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, in 1983. Dr. Biru, in
collaboration with professional colleagues from Europe and America, played
a pioneering role in the establishment of the IT PhD program at Addis
Ababa University in 2007. He worked extensively with Prof. Dr. Christiane
Floyd at the University of Hamburg and Prof. Dr. Gustav Pomberger at the
Johannes Kepler University in Linz, to strengthen software engineering
programmes at various levels, including curriculum design, staff
development, course delivery and research supervision. Dr. Tesfaye has a
very long years of experience in teaching at tertiary level and practicing
systems development for public and private organizations. He has also
served in senior management positions at Addis Ababa University and
Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation.


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Menzel - NATS
Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg


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