Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014

[HIForum] friendly Reminder: Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke, 27.10.2014, 17:15

Liebe Aktive und Ehemalige des Fachbereichs, liebe HIForum-Mitglieder,

am kommenden Montag, 27.10.2014 ab 17:15 im Zuse-Hörsaal, Raum B-201
wird Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke seine Antrittsvorlesung halten.

Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke ist seit dem Sommersemester im Fachbereich für das Thema Mensch-Computer-Interaktion zuständig. Er füllt damit die Lücke, die sich nach der Pensionierung von Prof. Dr. Horst Oberquelle aufgetan hat.
Diese Professur ist von ganz besonderer Relevanz, da der Fachbereich außer dem Arbeitsbereich auch seit 2009 einen Bachelorstudiengang Mensch-Computer-Interaktion anbietet.

Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie zu dieser Antrittsvorlesung mit dem Titel
Fooling your Senses for (Super-)Natural User Interfaces
einladen zu können. Näheres zum Vortrag hier:

Herr Steinicke wird uns wahrscheinlich auch eine Visualisierung der geplanten neuen Gebäude der Informatik auf dem ebenfalls geplanten MIN-Campus beidseits der Bundesstr. zeigen. Ganz viele Alumni haben bereits in Stellingen auf dem Informatik-Campus studiert. Es soll jedoch auch Alumni aus der Zeit davor, als der Fachbereich noch zwischen Rothenbaumchaussee, Schlüterstr., Troplowitzstr. und Bodenstedtstr. verteilt war (verteilte Arbeitsbereiche). Für alle ist es sicherlich spannend zu sehen, wohin die Reise nun, nach 25 Jahren Stellingen (die sich bis zum Umzug um weitere 7 Jahre verlängern werden) geht.

Also ein spannender Vortrag, auf den wir uns freuen können!

Herzliche Grüße
Angela Schwabl

HIForum - Hamburger Informatik-Forum e.V.

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] Invitation to the "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" Mo 27.10.14, 17:15 s.t., B-201, Prof. Frank Steinicke

This is an invitation to the "UHH Informatik Kolloquium"

Prof. Dr. Frank Steinicke
Human-Computer Interaction
Department of Informatics
University of Hamburg

DATE: MONDAY, 27.10.2014, 17:15 s.t.

Informatikum, Room B-201 Konrad-Zuse-Hörsal (PLEASE NOTE THE ROOM)

TOPIC: Fooling your Senses for (Super-)Natural User Interfaces

This talk will be held in English or German, according to preference.

In his essay "The Ultimate Display" from 1965, Ivan E. Sutherland states
that "The ultimate display would [...] be a room within which the computer
can control the existence of matter [...]". This general notion of a
computer-mediated or virtual reality, in which synthetic objects or the
entire virtual environment get indistinguishable from the real world,
dates back to Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave" and has been reconsidered
again and again in science fiction literature as well as the movie

For instance, virtual reality is often used to question whether we truly
"know" if our perceptions are real or not. Movies like "The Matrix" or the
fictional holodeck from the Star Trek universe are prominent examples of
these kind of perceptual ambiguities. Furthermore, in movies like Steven
Spielberg's "Minority Report" or Jon Favreau's "Iron Man 2″ actors can
seamlessly use free-hand gestures in space combined with speech to
manipulate 3D holographic projections, while they also perceive haptic
feedback when touching the virtual objects. In my talk I will revisit some
of the most visually impressive 3D user interfaces and experiences of such
fictional ultimate displays. As a matter of fact, we cannot let a computer
fully control the existence of matter, but we can fool our senses and give
a user the illusion that the computer can after all. I will show how
different ultimate displays can be implemented with current
state-of-the-art technology by exploiting perceptually-inspired
interfaces. However, we will see that the resulting ultimate displays are
not so ultimate at all, but pose novel interesting future research
challenges and questions.

Frank Steinicke is professor for Human-Computer Interaction at the
Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg. From 2011 to 2014
he was professor for Computer Science in Media at the Department of
Computer Science at the University of Würzburg and chair of the Immersive
Media Group. Between 2012 and 2014 he was the director of the newly
founded interdisciplinary Institute for Human Computer Media. In 2009 he
assumed an associate guest professor position at the University of
Minnesota. He studied Mathematics with a Minor in Computer Science at the
University of Münster, from which he received his PhD and Venia Legendi in
Computer Science.

His research is driven by understanding the human perceptual, cognitive
and motor skills and limitations in order to reform the interaction as
well as the experience in computer-mediated realities. Frank Steinicke
regularly serves as panelist and speaker at major events in the area of
virtual reality and human-computer interaction. The results of his work
have been published and presented in several international conferences and
journals including CHI, SIGGRAPH, VR, ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, and many others.
Furthermore, he is on the IPC of various national and international
conferences and currently co-chair of ACM SUI 2014 and IEEE 3DUI 2014.
Furthermore, he is a member of the Steering committee of the ACM SUI
Symposium and the GI SIG VR/AR.

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schirmer - ITG
Prof. Dr. Tilo Böhmann - ITMC

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Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014

Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2014

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] First invitation to the "UHH Informatik Kolloquium": Mo 20.10.14, 17:15 s.t. , Room D125 - Dr. Leif Singer

This is an invitation to our first "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" in this
winter term 2014/15.

Dr. Leif Singer
Head of Product
Affiliate Researcher, University of Victoria, Canada
Twitter: | Web:

MONDAY, 20.10.2014, 17:15 s.t.

Informatikum, Room D-125 (PLEASE NOTE THIS NEW ROOM!)

TOPIC: Social Media for Developers: How Tools Shape the Way We Work

This talk will be held in English or German, according to preference.

Social Media such as Twitter, GitHub, and Stack Overflow have changed how
developers work: they get more done in less time and collaborate at
unprecedented scale and speed. How and why did this happen, and what other
effects followed from this change? To answer these questions, this talk
discusses two empirical studies on how developers use GitHub and Twitter,
and shows how these sites influence developer behavior.

Leif is the Head of Product at, a startup based in New York
City, and an Affiliate Researcher at the University of Victoria in
Victoria, Canada. He got his PhD from Leibniz Universität Hannover and
currently lives near Hannover in Germany. His research is primarily
empirical and qualitative. It is concerned with how people and especially
groups collaborate, and how they use the technology we build for them.

Prof. Dr. Walid Maalej - MOBIS, CSE
Computer Science, University of Hamburg
Phone: +49-(0)40-42883-2073

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