Freitag, 14. Januar 2011

[HIForum] HIForum News 2/2011

Liebe Mitglieder,

ab sofort haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich bei unseren nächsten Veranstaltungen anzumelden:
1) HIForum Stammtisch

   Am 19. Januar 2011, 19:00 Uhr,
        im Slowman

    Restaurant Slowman
      Burchardstraße 13c
        20095 Hamburg
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2) Veranstaltungsreihe "Geschäftsführung für Freelancer"

Auftaktveranstaltung der neuen Veranstaltungsreihe in Kooperation mit Hamburg@work.

     Am 1. Februar 2011, ab 19:00 Uhr,
        im betahaus,
        Lerchenstraße 28a / Eingang Schilleroper, 22767 Hamburg
Zur Einladung:

Bei jeder Anmeldung erheben wir einen Unkostenbeitrag in Höhe von 5 Euro (Brutto) für Snacks und Getränke. Bitte melden Sie sich hier zu der Veranstaltung an.
3) Raum Schiff Erde
     Hamburger Un-Konferenz für Digitales, Interaktionsdesign, Internet

Am 13. Februar, 14:00 Uhr
        im Jazz-Club Stellwerk im Bahnhof Hamburg-Harburg.

Zum Check-in:

Mit besten Grüßen
Michael Schudy, Horst Oberquelle, Dirk Martinssen

Hiforum-verteiler mailing list

Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011

[HIForum] HIForum News 1/2011

Liebe Mitglieder,

willkommen im Neuen Jahr,  es beginnt mit einer interessanten Einladung!
Herzlichen Gruß
Horst Oberquelle


Im Rahmen des IT-Innovationsforums des Studiengangs "IT-Management und Consulting" der Universität Hamburg laden wir herzlich ein zum Vortrag von

Dr. Nelson Mattos, Google, Vice President Engineering, EMEA
The Future of the Web: Opportunities & Challenges
20. Januar 2011, 18:00-20:00 Uhr
Universität Hamburg, Hauptgebäude, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg
Ernst-Cassirer-Hörsaal (ESA A)

Progress always comes with challenges. The Internet has changed people's lives dramatically. Increases in broadband speed and affordable devices allow truly everyone to both access and upload online content. The positive impact is huge: the Internet has democratized the access to knowledge, brought people closer, increased transparency, saved lives, increased the choices for consumers, and served as an economic enabler.

The other side of the story are violations in privacy and in copyright as well as misuse risks such as fraud or spam. While increasing regulatory measures may help hold on such practices, there are alternative longer-term and more thorough technical solutions that put control into the users' hands.

This will be a non-technical talk covering the evolution of the web and its positive impact and discussing approaches to deal with some of the current challenges. Approaches that will support further innovation and
development of an open web.

Dr Nelson Mattos
Vice President, Engineering, EMEA

Nelson joined Google in 2007, and as VP of Engineering for the EMEA region, he is responsible for all engineering and product development activities. Prior to joining Google, he worked in various capacities at IBM for 15 years. Most recently, Nelson was an IBM Distinguished Engineer and Vice-President of Information and User Technologies at IBM Research. He led an organisation of researchers worldwide who worked on projects involving search, structured and unstructured information processing and analytics, natural language processing, conversational and multimodal interaction, business collaboration tools, visualisation technologies and overall user experience. He was also an IBM Distinguished Engineer and Vice-President, Information Integration for the IBM Software Group, for which he created a portfolio of products that grew into a several hundred million dollar business, brought several key technologies to market and drove five key acquisitions in support of this segment. Nelson's career with IBM also included key roles in DB2 development, leading major SQL extensions and driving worldwide database standards; in this capacity, he contributed to the design of SQL99 through more than 300 accepted proposals.

Prior to IBM, Nelson was an associate professor at the University of Kaiserslautern in Germany, where he was involved in research on object-oriented and knowledge base management systems.

Nelson received his Ph. D. in Computer Science from University of Kaiserslautern and also holds bachelor's and master's degrees in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. He has published over 80 papers on database management and related topics, holds 13 patents and is the author of the book "An Approach to Knowledge Base Management".

Prof. Dr. Tilo Böhmann
Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Informatik / Department of Informatics
IT Management & Consulting
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
D-22527 Hamburg
T: +49 (40) 428 83-2299

Hiforum-verteiler mailing list

Freitag, 7. Januar 2011

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] Kolloquium am 17.01.2011

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Einladung zum
Informatischen Kolloquium Hamburg
Montag, 17. Januar 2011
um 17 Uhr c.t.
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
Gebäude B
Prof. Dr. Sudip Misra
currently Humboldt Research
Fellow, TKRN, FB Informatik,
University of Hamburg
permanent faculty position, School
of Information Technology, Indian
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
*Wireless Sensor Networks: Opportunities and Research Challenges*
Wireless communication technologies are undergoing rapid advancements. The last few years have experienced a steep growth in research in the area of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In WSNs, communication takes place with the help of spatially distributed autonomous sensor nodes equipped to sense specific information. WSNs, particularly the ones that have gained much popularity in the recent years, are typically ad hoc in nature and they inherit many characteristics/features of wireless ad hoc networks such as the ability for infrastructure-less setup, minimal or no reliance on network planning and the ability of the nodes to self-organize and self-configure without the involvement of a centralized network manager, router, access point, or a switch. These features help to setup WSNs fast in situations where there is no existing network setup or in times when setting up a fixed infrastructure network is considered infeasible, for example, in times of emergency or during relief operations. Even though sensor networks have emerged to be attractive and they hold great promises for our future, there are several research challenges that need to be addressed in order for them to see them ubiquitous in everyday life. The talk will provide comprehensive as well as comprehensible concepts in sensor networks. A wide range of issues will be discussed ­ some of which are classical and are relatively well known and a number of others that are still in the research works. Open challenges in this area will also be presented during the talk. The speaker will also present some of his classic works on WSNs.
Prof. Dr. Bernd E. Wolfinger
Tel. +49 40 42883-2424
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